Thursday, April 19, 2012

Which is best - Walmart or Publix?

We%26#39;ve been to Walmart Supercenters on several occasions as we like to browse and pick up bargains but have never been to Publix. Are these supermarkets similar and which ones do the locals prefer?

Which is best - Walmart or Publix?

Publix generally maintains cleaner stores and culls out over-ripe produce. While the prices may be a little higher than Walmart the total experience is nicer at Publix. I live in Florida and this is where I prefer to do all my grocery shopping.

Which is best - Walmart or Publix?

Much more variety in the meat department at Publix- from what I can see WalMart sticks to basic cuts like chicken and ground meats while Publix has an extensive choice of pork, veal and high end cuts. Whole Foods Market surpasses both in quality and variety but the prices are high.

Thanks Donna - is the same range of non-food items available at Publix (clothes and electronic goods for example)?

As jenni would say ... there is only one way to find out --- FIGHT.

I like Publix. I like the layout and know where to find things. Lots of coupons and offers. Lovely fruit and Veg and good range of continental beers.

I also like Albertsons as well. Perhaps Albertsons can fight the winner.

With its huge buying power and LOW LOW prices I suggest that Walmart is the bookmakers favourite - but who knows? Increasingly we find that the Superstore retail business is a funny old game that throws up odd results. Publix only needs to get in an early price cut and an yupset could be on the cards.

Did you know the the only word in the English Language with three double letters in a row is ... ?

Bookkeeping sounds good but go one better with subbookkeeper.

Bubble burstingly clever Meester Bornd but the answer id of course

bookkeeppeer ... which is a rare species of moth in Germany ... that you will not be able to google up because it is too late.

So there clever clogs.

I think you%26#39;ll find it can also be found it subtropical saharan regions where it is a subbookkeeppeer.

Do I win the fiver?

Hang on - my legitimate post is being hijacked...please ignore my last responses, sorry.

Ze bookkeeppeerr moth zat mekes ein mistake es called ze

boobboobbookkeeppeerr, Smallhousen.

Subboobboobbookkeeppeerr. Prima.

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