Thursday, April 19, 2012

mustang or sebring convertable ??

well all you convertable lovers out there. which one would you go for and how would they size up against our convertables ? we are 2 adults and a 8yr old. i am also 6ft plus. so comfort is something of an issue

thanks again


mustang or sebring convertable ??

Sebrings have always been known as all show, no go. Not so for the Mustang but they don%26#39;t have a lot of leg room for the front seat passenger.

mustang or sebring convertable ??

We%26#39;ve only tried the Sebring but there would be plenty room for the occupants as you describe. However, bear in mind there is not much space for luggage - therefore to and from the airport can involve a bit of jiggery pokery.

The Mustangs are very small inside, so unless you love the idea of a sportscar over comfort....

The mystique of the Mustang bit me one year, and I went to buy one. I am 5%26#39;9'; and after sitting in it, i decided not to get it....

Have a great time no matter what you decide!


How about the G6 convertible? I have one and it is a four seater and has more room inside compared to the mustang.

Are you buying or hiring?

If hiring did you get a good price?

Definitely the Sebring, more trunk %26amp; interior room. Mustangs are more sporty but they have a stiff suspension making for a less comfortable ride. Also you will find much more leg room in the Sebring. Hope you are traveling soom as it is perfect convertible weather right now!

Sebring = nice up to date convertible with room and modern technology.

Mustang all hype, jaded design with a bit of mistique added ... especially if you fancy that you are Steve McQueen in %26#39;Bullitt%26#39;.

Please don%26#39;t bother stick with the more mundane but far better car - Sebring every time.

looks like the sebring then. iam renting stretch as it is only a 2 week trip. best price i can get seems to be around the 拢350 mark.can anyone get a better rate than that ? end april beginning of may ??

vegas what size comparison would you make with uk equivilant of sebring ??

I am sorry Cornelius I don%26#39;t drive convertibles at home just a few times in the Florida heat. However, I have been in a Saab a few times and I think that is a fair comparison.

In fact it was a bit too hot for me and we stopped using them when we burned out thighs.

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