Monday, April 23, 2012

banks and cell phone service

are there many banks in KW also how is the cell service? the only reason for cell service is that both of us has older parents and one just had total hip replacement. we will have to keep in touch.

banks and cell phone service

The cell phone question was asked a while back and it seemed the response was.... cell phone reception is fine in KW. I%26#39;ve got a Nextel and never have had a problem.

There are a few banks around KW. The big one is Wachovia at the corner of Duval and Front st.

have a great time!!

banks and cell phone service

I keep meaning to mention this. Local calls from the Pier House are charged to the room. This never seemed fair to me, but now I have my own phone so it is not a concern. And you can just walk to a lot of things in Key West or book on the street without making a call.

But you might want to check about being billed for local calls where ever you are staying.


I%26#39;ve never had trouble with cell phone service in KW. I use Verizon Wireless. There are ATM%26#39;s everywhere, and a number of full service banks.

Actually, cel phones are COMPLETELY unreliable here.

Internet, too.

At least, that%26#39;s what we explain to visitors to tell the office and kids.

';Darn! I tried to get a hold of you, [boss, client, girlfriend, boyfriend, son, daughter, etc.], but ...';

...and here%26#39;s your get-off-the-hook free card...


(And if they have been here, they%26#39;ll - wink wink nudge nudge - understand, too.)

Can you hear me now?

I just returned and can say that T-Mobile has seamless service from FLL down to KW. But I like the last poster%26#39;s ideas.

Nope. No service. No internet. Not even landline phones. You just can%26#39;t reach me! :)

The same for Sprint. I%26#39;ve never had a problem with service in KW except when trying to contact the boss. Oddly, the service just quit even though it was fine for calling family and friends to tell them what a blast I was having. I think the term for that is %26#39;Sympathetic vacational communications.%26#39;

We%26#39;ve had no problem with our Cingular phones, and (some might say unfortunately) Blackberry/interactive pager service.

As for banks, check and see if yours has a branch - we have Bank of America, no problem in KW (except for too many visits to the ATM).

Sprint/Nextel does have a lot of small dead spots in the Lower Keys, including one that covers half my house. It gets a little annoying when I%26#39;m trying to pace and talk at the same time.

If you%26#39;re planning a trip up to the Big Pine area while you%26#39;re here, you might want to make sure you have digital roam turned on just in case.

There are def. enough banks to not get stranded without cash. As for the cell phons, nothing is perfect. However, I have 2 phones, well one on Verizon and a Sidekick on TMobile and I have to say my services is better down here than it ever was in NY, for both services. My bf has Sprint and at least half the time his phone never rings when someone calls. It just beeps that he has a message.

I have noticed that the cable and internet have been spotty over the last 2 weeks. anyone else having this problem?

Our Verizon phones work great in Key West -- good enough for me to call my friend at work at gloat the first weekday morning we were there while sitting at Schooner Wharf Bar drinking a few mimosas. On the other hand, it was also good enough for my boss to call me for help later in the week (while we were again at SWB, this time drinking bloody marys). ;)

We%26#39;ve never used the banks or ATMs in KW. Instead we just get extra cash when we use our debit card at CVS or the grocery store when we go to buy water and cheese popcorn (for late at night after drinking all day). :)

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