Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vacation countdown!!!

This will be our 2nd trip to Destin staying at the same place as last year Sandestin Beachside Two. The boys get out of school on May 25th, so we%26#39;ll start the drive that evening try to get in about six hours stop at a hotel finish up Saturday and check-in for a week. I have say we%26#39;re all starting to get ';vacation slap happy';

My wife started a vacation change bucket that we%26#39;ve been dropping our change in for the past year for the boys to use for extra spending money. I%26#39;m going to guess there%26#39;s a few hundred bucks sitting in that bucket. The problem is I never have change in my pocket now :)

Anyway, 78 day until the fun starts.

Vacation countdown!!!

What a nice post!!!

I hope you have a wonderful time.I hope you get Destinitis and keep coming back for many years.

Vacation countdown!!!

countdown? Is it that time already. Sounds good to me. Lets see today that makes you with 77 and me with 71.

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