Saturday, April 21, 2012

concerts and another question

I%26#39;ll be in South Beach the weekend of March 24 and 25 with my husband, 20-year old daughter, 18-yr old son and 13-yr old son. I%26#39;m looking for something to amuse us on Saturday night and wonder if there%26#39;s any non-alcohol-serving music event that night. Something we could all go to would be nice or just the two older ones alone would also be okay (probably preferable, from their perspective).

Also - Do I need to make reservations if we want to go snorkeling on Monday the 26th in Pennekamp Park? Is it worth the trip? I read there%26#39;s an artifical reef closer to Miami Beach but it sounded kind of lame. Is it?

Thanks for your help. I can%26#39;t wait to be there!

concerts and another question


Replied on MB forum.


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