Tuesday, April 17, 2012

old town kissimmee

while surfing the net looking for places to visit in orlando i came across ( old town kissimmee ) i am staying in kissimmee on hols. in 2 week with family,grandchildren aged 13,11,9.is old town worth a visit it looks great.do the bars allow children in the evening.

old town kissimmee

I%26#39;m not sure about the bars with children but it is generally very relaxed and geared for tourists so I don%26#39;t think it would be a problem.

Old town is worth a visit - it is more of an old style experience but does have some fairground attractions for the kids and quite a few shops selling mostly souvenirs but some interesting stuff as well.

If you can make it on a Saturday, do the afternoon exploring and playing/shopping and stay for the Saturday Night Cruise - lots of old and vintage cars and hot rods on display, fantastically restored, culminating in a slow cruise up and down the road as it gets dark.

old town kissimmee

Who in there right mind would take a child in a bar that is crazy I won%26#39;t let my husband take them in the liquor store to buy beer I don%26#39;t think that%26#39;s a good example for you children

to pokerolls i do not take children in a bar,if ever u went on holiday to europe you will see all holidaymakers with children sitting outside the bars having a meal and a drink and the kids have soft drinks.the children can runaround ( as long as there is no traffic )and play.we allways take games with us on holiday to keep the children amused.i know americans frown on children and alcahol as i do myself.it is a pity they dont have the same ideas when it comes to buying guns.

Pokerolls - I think you have the wrong idea here. We are not talking about taking children into seedy or adult bars; we are talking about tourist bars and restaurants. As jajoab says, there is a cultural divide where chlidren and eating out is concerned, especially in Europe.

We spent 18 months in an Italian country and parents always took their children out with them - fairly late too - not once did I see any trouble, nor a drunk causing trouble. To be perfectly honest, if parents spent more time with their children I%26#39;m sure it would be more beneficial than babysitters or computer games.

I think you should reserve judgement when in doubt - people with children are not going to Orlando to get drunk or to get their children drunk - they are simply looking for some relaxation which may or may not include the odd drink here and there.

Lots of pubs in Britain allow kids into bars for bar meals and restaurants type dinning . The are not allowed to buy %26amp; drink alcohol until 18. But its not a problem Kids grow up well adjusted to the real world . But some grow up to abuse it , but this is always the case even in America.

And has another post states pity you don%26#39;t crack down as hard on guns.

Question; What is the difference between a can of Bud and a Smith %26amp; Weson magnum.

One is made to make you happy. The other is made to make you dead.

Which gets your vote????

Poacher makes a good point, although I once drank too much Bud and it made me feel dead the following day.

Poker, pubs in the UK are very family friendly. Not like some dives in the US you must be referring to. If you%26#39;ve been to Bahama Breeze in Orlando and sat outside, you%26#39;d get the same feel for the places here. XR, it%26#39;s always the same argument you have. There are certainly good points about the US and good points about the UK. If you%26#39;d like, I can reply to your negative response with the same.

iowaniaUK; I Know what you are saying.

I was brought up with with a fishing rod in one hand a gun in the other. I am Not anti gun , if fact i have a small arsenal of them .

I am anti Hand Gun because these are ';Assault weapons'; their sole purpose of manufacture is to ';Kill People';. You cannot use them to feed a family like mine and my parents before me did, or use them for pest control.

They are only now the chosen weapon of criminals. And any British person who possesses one is a criminal They are not need in this country , that%26#39;s why we don%26#39;t have any ( legally held).

They are not need in yours, the wild west has long since disappeared. What upsets me is that school kids have access to these things and are to immuture to know the implications of pulling the trigger and watching it go bang. And lots take them to school in the US and do precisely that .And who wants school children to be criminals while still attending school.

Its long to late saying ';Sorry'; ';cordite on fire missile on its way';

Anyway. I cannot risk another TA warning. I am, as you know, on a yellow card.

The question was ';while surfing the net looking for places to visit in orlando i came across ( old town kissimmee ) i am staying in kissimmee on hols. in 2 week with family,grandchildren aged 13,11,9.is old town worth a visit it looks great.do the bars allow children in the evening';.

Pokerolls was quite a bit antagonistic. The poster responded accordingly. Poachxr agreed with the response but was not as tactful as he normally is. Iowa agreed with the sentiment although bit back as a reaction to the us and them analogy. I was very silly (but obviously extremely funny) in an attempt to break the ice. And this is how topics get off track.

In answer to the original question - yes.

The debate on guns is certainly alive in the US as well. I have family who are police officers and guns do add additional fear for their safety. Knives it seems can be just as deadly in the UK though. The answer may be with the user instead of the weapon of choice. I fear we%26#39;re circling the drain of this thread with where we%26#39;re headed. :)

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