Thursday, April 12, 2012

Car seat laws for kids in Orlando - no help from Dollar

Hi folks

I know that I can rely on TA posters to help me on this one. We are off to Orlando soon and have booked car hire through Dollar, I e-mailed them to ask if our 7 year old will have to have a car seat - as they do in England and I have been advised that it is best to book in advance if you do need them. They e-mailed back to say they don%26#39;t know!! How unhelpful is that? - they are a car rental company, maybe I am just being a little naive thinking that they should know or maybe somebody is just having a can%26#39;t be bothered to help day! Anyway can any of you guys help, do I need to book a car seat for him or are the laws different in Orlando?

Many thanks


Car seat laws for kids in Orlando - no help from Dollar

Thanks for your help in the other post, hope to return the favour, here%26#39;s an extract from Orlando police dept site,

%26#39;What are the Florida laws concerning seat belts and car seats for children?

Seat Belts: Florida law requires all front seat passengers wear seatbelts regardless of age. All passengers, regardless of location in the vehicle, who are under 18 years of age must wear seat belts.

Car Seats: The following is taken from Florida law: “Every operator of a motor vehicle as defined herein, while transporting a child in a motor vehicle operated on the roadways, streets, or highways of this state, shall, if the child is 5 years of age or younger, provide for protection of the child by properly using a crash-tested, federally approved child restraint device. For children aged through 3 years, such restraint device must be a separate carrier or a vehicle manufacturer%26#39;s integrated child seat. For children aged 4 through 5 years, a separate carrier, an integrated child seat, or a seat belt may be used.”%26#39;…faq_visitor.htm

Car seat laws for kids in Orlando - no help from Dollar


Thanks for that dawq-7 much appreciated.

Take care


This has been a topic on here before so you may want to do a search and read what others said in the past. Although Florida doesn%26#39;t require a 7 year old to have a car seat I would still do it. We leave next week and I am bringing a booster seat for my 7 year old. He uses one at home as it%26#39;s a law in Wisconsin and I just don%26#39;t feel he is big enough for a seatbelt alone to protect him properly. There is a reason it%26#39;s a law in other states. I have a 4 and 7 year old and I am bringing boosters from home. The car rental company we are going through charges $9.99 per day per seat so it will save a lot of money just bringing ours from home.

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