Saturday, March 24, 2012

Green Visa Waiver form

Hi everyone,

Last year I made a total mess of about five visa waiver forms while trying to fill them in on the plane. My husband spilt cola over the first one and the constant tannoy from the flight crew stating that no mistakes were allowed, just turned me into a quiverring wreck!! (People who know me would never believe this!) Things went from bad to worse and it took me several attempts to get it right. Is there anywhere that I can have a look at a copy of one of these forms so I know in advance what I should be filling in. I just got more and more nervous (don%26#39;t know why - solid, upstanding citizen and all that) but the whole thing just got to me. Any help appreciated.

Has anyone else gone to pieces like this?


Green Visa Waiver form

Here you go Deaconblue, a sample of the form.

I know what you mean about getting nervous when filling it out!

Green Visa Waiver form

Even though we%26#39;ve never had a particular problem with these forms, we%26#39;ve seen many people that have and have ended up at the back of the queue at immigration.

It should probably be a pinned topic as they are far from clear (the main problem seems to be the bit underneath the government only section which we DO need to complete but doesn%26#39;t really say so) and the last few years we have noticed that the flights provide very little guidance on how to fill them in.

Never mind the green forms - the white ones are equally bizarre if you are married but have different surnames (if in doubt, fill in two).

QUE; Dont see what you problem is. The bottom half is only asking you to repeat the information given in the top half so that when its torn off , and clipped into your passport they know who it belongs to. When it%26#39;s recovered on your departure they know who has left the country.

if you didnt fill it in how would they know who it belong to?

Not exactly difficult questions they only asking for you name , passport No what gender you are ( that might be difficult for sum, being AC-DC is quite the fashion at present) , where you got on the plane. Not rocket science.

Thank you for the link and the positive reply.

The fact that it%26#39;s not rocket science and I made a mistake on it, is what made the whole situation worse! I am normally quite competent at filling in forms, but once the first form was damaged, and the husband was twittering in my ear, I made the most simplistic of errors. I just thought I%26#39;d like to familiarise myself with the form before I go. I am more than aware how stringent the authorities are, and the reasons why the form has to be completed properly.

The customs declaration didn%26#39;t present me with any problems, thankfully!

Only six to go!!!!!!!!!!

we have been 7 times in USA...and every time is the same...I need to fill my 3 green cards(husband,boy and mine), for twice.

I am always wrong... first it麓s not my language, second the spaces to write are very short and you get confused from the bottom line to enter the surmane ,and the birth date line, seems to be together, so I always write the country or the date in the wrong place_the spaces are too close and not clearly separate- don%26#39;t forget a pen on you handbag luggage

Hey DeaconBlue,

As long as you acted with ';Dignity';, you could have said to you husband that ';I was right and you were wrong';.

On Wages day you could have asked Fergus to sing the blue while in your swaying arms.

Should i stop the Deacon Blue links now ?



i usually fill mine in before i board, (virgin give them to you at check in) but i know what you mean about mistakes, and when you are filling everyone elses in, i usually ask for a couple of extra ones.


The in flight magazine on board the plane has a section on how to fill in the forms.

If you look at the very small print it tells you how much time it should take to learn about the form and how many minutes it takes to fill it in!

You can see how bored I have been as I have read this!

There are never enough spaces for ';International Drive'; and in the past I have written the answer to the question that should be on the left hand side of the second line, on the top line.

Now I just carry on with my wine and let my husband fill them in.

Works for me.

Better than ';The Walk of Shame'; at Immigration.

  • origins
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