Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Merlot Moment

Did the princess find Cinderella enchanting? Don%26#39;t forget pictures.

Merlot Moment


Merlot Moment

I%26#39;d like to see the pictures too:)

Bump,,, I hate that word, but bump, bump

I don%26#39;t like that word either Rono sometimes I say ';bringin it to the top'; Like that better?

Thank you for asking Rono,.

She loved it.. I got a photo of her turning the corner and seeing Cinderella in the Castle. So adorable.

Cinderella saw her and knelt down, arms outstretched to give her a huge hug. My daughter was beside herself. She wouldn%26#39;t look at the camera for photos as she couldn%26#39;t take her eyes off of Cinderella.

Highly reccomend the Lunch at the Castle for all Princesses. I would also recommend having the little ones dressed up too. Cinderella was telling my daughter ';look, we look the same';


That%26#39;s adorable Merlot, precious memories indeed.

aaaaaah!,,, BTW Cinderella has the same effect on me. :)


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