Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our last day here

Last day is always a sad day with only one good point. That is-- we do not leave without making rezzies for next year! We have such a great unit (very small and the furnishing could be better-the owner does all his shopping in the local thrift store-really) but it is the only unit here with both a lanai AND a deck with direct views to the gulf. I woke this morning to blue and sunny skies-the same as every day for the past two weeks. These two weeks-the weather has been stunning, the beaches great even with the red drift that is no different than seaweed at the Jersey Shore-just annoying. The water is very warm. The Islands are not crowded. The birds and wild-life are great entertainment-anyone coming down here must go and watch the coon show at the dumpsters behind Sanibel Pink Flamingo on Periwinkle. I brought my scooter (Vespa) down this year for the first time and have used it daily. It%26#39;s a great way to get around

This place is a true paradise and is always the best vacation spot-never dissapointing. I only hope something can be done about the red algae before it gets worse and causes more damage.

This may sound crazy-but I actually get tears in my eyes as we drive over to causeway to return home. I Love it here that much!

I%26#39;m off to enjoy my last day here till next year!

Our last day here

Safe travels WhiteDiamond Scoot - I cry too, when we leave, I think alot of us do. I%26#39;ve enjoyed your posts.

Our last day here

Me too.

We went to Sanibel for 20 plus years from Miami as the kids were growing up, every summer when the rates were down.

I got a big thrill when we crossed the causway to enter and really felt sad when we left for home.

Sanibel really is a special place. I can%26#39;t believe there is a better family vacation spot anywhere.

I grew up in NJ, AC to be specific.

One year I took the family up there to see the Jersey shore. No disrespect intended, but they were underwellmed by the sand, the water and the whole Jersey shore scene.

Paying to go on the beach?

When the condo%26#39;s at the Sundial were $40,000, my wife wanted us to buy one. We didn%26#39;t buy. She reminds me of that frequently.

I can relate to being sad on leaving Sanibel, but having reservations for next year means you will soon start to look forward to the next trip.

I was just checking on the ra situation down there and read of your sadness in leaving beautiful Sanibel...I think we should start a club or something...I know of many people who get teary when in the ';sad-lane'; of the causeway!

We left on April 14 and my 9yr. old daughter and I cried all the way to the airport...we always kind of hope for a rainy, cool, cloudy day when we have to leave, but that rarely happens! We try to think about how thankful we are that we have such a paradise to visit and hope that not much changes until the next time we get back (we were evacuted for Charley - which made significant changes!)to our absolutely favorite vacation spot!

Have a safe trip home to NJ and until you get back again, many sweet ';Sanibel Dreams!';

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; manly man who got tears from leaving as well. How can you not be sad when you leave that place?

I arrive in 19 days, and I%26#39;m already dreading leaving Sanibel.

It does hurt to leave, but you have got something to look forward to as well. Glad it was a good trip!

Good thing for next year%26#39;s reservation! That will help the crying :)

Sanibel does have this effect, and this is why so many people return year after year. Such a special place :)

I feel your pain on having to leave the island. There definately is a sad lane on the causeway!!! We will be on Sanibel June 2nd with our teenage kids (they haven%26#39;t been on the island since they were 7 and 4). I always dread the last day and get somewhat depressed. My only consulation is that my mother just moved to Punta Gorda and we can make day trips to the island. She used to live in Panama City-nice place but no comparison to Sanibel! I feel bad that I didn%26#39;t get my kids to Sanibel more often when they were small. Sanibel was definately the best vacation we have ever taken the kids on. If anyone reads Southern Living Magazine, their May issue had a nice article on Sanibel and Captiva.

My sister got married there, In 2004. It was the most beautiful wedding ever, With the ocean and sunset as a backdrop. It was just BEAUTIFUL!

The day that we where to leave. I went throw our room to make sure that we did not leave anything and sat down in the middle of the floor and Cried and Cried and cried. Then I was crying again as we passed over the causeway.

I come back as often as I can. And thus, have become friends with the staff.

We all loved it so much that we bought property in Fort Myers.

My Sister and Brother in law will atest to the deep sadness when you leave this little piece of paradise.

WOW! I am SO happy to hear that so many others have the same affection for the beautiful islands of Sanibel and Captiva! Sometimes I would think that I was crazy for feeling so emotional about this place I call paradise.

I am home now, and still feel a longing to go back. I actually live in a place that some would consider paradise. I live about 1 mile to the beach and only 2 blocks from water that give direct access to the Atlantic. In fact I was on the beach this afternoon. Waves were crashing, sun shinning bright, sea gulls flying but it was not Sanibel.

Can not wait to return!

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