Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chef Mickey´s or Breakfastosaurus?

Can anyone give me a suggestion w h i c h one to do if planning to do a character breakfast for the first time??

What is the difference?

Different food?

WHY do you prefer one of them?

Chef Mickey%26acute;s or Breakfastosaurus?

Here%26#39;s the menu page for both. I can%26#39;t compare since I%26#39;ve not done the Breakfastosaurus.

Chef Mickey%26acute;s or Breakfastosaurus?

Thanks Kat!

Sounds like the Chef Mickey麓s is the better choice...

Chef Mickey%26#39;s is a good one!!

Is the dining room at the Breakfastosaurus site smaller? Perhaps quieter? Chef Mickey%26#39;s gets SO loud...

We%26#39;re not big on the buffet food either way, we figure we%26#39;re just paying for the character experience. Our son wants to eat with Donald. Our last experience with Chef Mickey%26#39;s, it seemed SO loud in there, we could hardly hear ourselves. I thought maybe the Breakfastosaurus would be quieter if it%26#39;s smaller. Has anyone done both?

Chef Mickey%26#39;s all the way. More and better character interaction. Better variety of food...I don%26#39;t think any of the buffets have great food but Chef Mickey%26#39;s has the best choices of any I%26#39;ve been to. We like the atmosphere and the setting. The only reason to go to the character meals is the character interaction with you,your child,the whole family and to take those great pictures and I far prefer Chef Mickey%26#39;s. I never found it ear splitting btu I live in NYC and on%26#39;t find the subway earsplitting either

Hello floridianer,

Without a doubt Chef Mickey%26#39;s is the better choice!!!!!!! Better food, atmosphere and character meal.

Chef Mickey here too...

We had dinner at Chef Mickey and I thought the food was better than any of the other character meals we attended. Better selection and more choices.

We did Chef Mickey on our last night at Disney and it made for a great last activity. We had a great time - it%26#39;s fun, the characters are more interactive, and my daughter had the best time ever!

We%26#39;re not big breakfast eaters and we did the Donald breakfast. It was okay, the characters were all dressed up in safari clothes which was cute. It was quieter than Chef Mickey%26#39;s but I would definitely give my vote to Chef Mickey%26#39;s.

My family has been to both and enjoyed them both. Didn%26#39;t think the food was very good at either - but that isn%26#39;t why you go.

We had an early breakfast at Breakfastasaurus, which was good fun and also gave us early admission to Animal Kingdom which meant we were able to go on quite a few ride with no queues at all. That was as big a bonus as meeting the characters, but we were there in August when it was very hot and busy.

Chef Mickey%26#39;s was good fun, but very big and noisy.

Chef Mickey%26#39;s, without a doubt!!! We just returned from DW, and my 2 1/2 yr old granddaughter had a wonderful time at Chef Mickeys.

Breakfastosaurus is in Animal Kingdom, and just a glorifried McDonalds.

At Chef Mickey%26#39;s, after the character breakfast, you can just get on the monorail and go to the Magic Kingdom!!! It was great!!!

Have a great vacation!!!!

Thanks @ all!

We麓ll try both I guess... Sounds good to be earlier in the park at AK...

Do they allow you to go in so soon???

36 days and counting :-)

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