Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mission space - green team!!


There%26#39;s no way i%26#39;m going to get my other half on mision space and i%26#39;m a little wary myself. is it as bad as all that??

I love roller coasters but on a ride where sick bags are avaliable alarm bells start to ring. plus a couple of ';incidents'; involving people in hospital!! should I brave it? is the green team worth queueing for?


Mission space - green team!!

Hey Piglet! :-)

Yes, MS is definetly worse it and if you麓re going early in the morning your wait time is around 10 Minutes...

If you lik eRollercoasters I麓d say ';Go for it'; and try!

It麓s a totaly different ride...


You麓ll have plenty of sick bags :-) Just don麓t forget to take yours with you after using :-)

Hold your head straight to the head board, don麓t close your eyes and enjoy your flight to MARS!

Mission space - green team!!

OH, g r e e n team is the NON Spinning ride...

I like it BUT it is NOT Mission Space...


I wasn%26#39;t sick when the actual ride started, but I felt claustrofobic for those few seconds before the take off to mars!!! That was pretty strange since i%26#39;ve never had any claustrofobia experiences before!!

But as soon as the real journey to Mars started I loved it, it was intense but I wouldn%26#39;t hesitate to do it again!

You shouldn%26#39;t have any problems riding Mission Space on the Green Team. I%26#39;ve done both Green and Orange, and Green is very tame. You don%26#39;t feel the G-forces that would make you sick on Green at all.

Try Green Team, and if you like it and are brave enough, move on up to the Orange Team. However, it is much more intense, but Gary Senise will talk you all the way through.

My boyfriend usually gets sick on simulator type rides (even on cyber space mountain at disney quest!) but for some reason was fine even on the intense version of mission space and we rode twice in a row (it%26#39;s pretty quiet if you go first thing in the morning).

Maybe as suggested above try the green team first to see what you think, although not sure if this will help you judge whether you should go on orange as it is a very unique experience.

If it helps I didn%26#39;t see a single person be sick last year! I say just go for the proper one - it%26#39;s amazing!!

Green Team is for babies! The Orange Team is far better. Couldn%26#39;t get me off it last year.

Yes, it%26#39;s intense and some people with motion sickness might feel a chunder coming on but the trick is to focus straight ahead and you will feel the g-forces but not the spinning.

Definitely the best ride there!

I did the green team last week as I heard on this forum how intense the orange was. I was VERY disappointed with the green. Is it really that much difference between the two?

We never did the Green Team because we heard it was a baby ride. I understand it doesn%26#39;t actually spin round like the Orange one.

I get very nervous when it comes to roller coasters and rides like Mission Space, but I braved it and went on and I loved every minute of it. It has become my favourite ride in Orlando - go orange, its fantastic. I have never seen anyone being sick on the ride or as they got off, I guess its down to if you have a queesy stomach, The G-Force is fantastic on take off and then you get so carried away by your ';mission'; that you forget you are on a ride as such - go for it, you will love it.

Some of you talk like it%26#39;s a real space ship, IT%26#39;s A RIDE, why waste your money going to a park if your going to be chicken to go on any of the good rides. Rides are made to thrill you, if you%26#39;re going to a park with the idea in your head of ';I want to go on a nice boring ride'; why go.

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