Hi! I%26#39;m Angie and I%26#39;m 17 years old. My cousin who is 30 and I are planning to go to Spring Break but are lost on where to go. We were going to go on a cruise but my cousin cannot get off work until the 10th of April, and I start school again on the 16th. I do not want to miss any school either. I was thinking either the 1 3-day cruise available leaving on the 12th from Port Canaveral to Nassau and back, or California, or somewhere in Floirda. I want to go swimming in the beak for sure, I LOVE beaches. So I want it to be warm enough. Also, I%26#39;m not much of a partier/drinker. I want the atmosphere to be fun, but I don%26#39;t want all the craziness of drunken people on the beach. I know this is a tall order, any ideas?
17 year old looking for a polace to go for Spring Break
Dayton is where you want to be! You can have quiet or wild fun. Whatever you like! If you are truly looking for a Spring Break experience! My son is 17 and he would rather be no where else!
17 year old looking for a polace to go for Spring Break
hi maltese, cold in ny gave good advice. daytona, during spring break offers lots of options. n or s of ';daytona beach';, ie daytona beach shores, south or ormond, north, are MUCH quieter than daytona beach itself while still being 10 minutes from the ';action';. i live in the shores (south maybe 5 miles) and during spring break you hardly notice any thing special is going on. go a little further south to wilbur-by-the- sea , yeah thats the real name, or ponce inlet and you REALLY don%26#39;t see a crowd. the farther you get from ';daytona'; the more the price goes up (not that much)but so does the quality! if it were me, knowing what i know and living in the area, i would look south of the dunlawton bridge or right close to it. honestly, i am not familiar with ormond beach, an equal distance to the north, so i will confine my comments to the south.
don%26#39;t know if you are looking for a ';resort'; or a clean quiet place to relax for a few days but here are a few options at the south end of town:
1) shores resort and spa- probably the best of the best in e central florida. high dollar but split two ways, maybe doable.
famous shores motel- more of a mom/pop but looks real nice, well kept and right at the end of the drivable part of the beach.
3) there are a couple small properties right around famous shores, names i do not have, that look real nice and clean. download google earth and check out the area.
in that you are 17, i will give you a few suggestions where your cousin can have a beer if he/she wants but still a decent enviorment (darn, never thought i would hear myself say that!!).
1) DO NOT MISS! Inlet harbor marina and rest. Live entertainment weekends outside all day/night. great food and drink. key west atmosphere
2)Racings north turn-1 mile or so n of inlet harbor on a1a same as above
3)any of the food/bev establishments in ponce inlet. all are family oriented w/ good food and fun.
4) DO NOT MISS :Boondocks, that%26#39;s where us locals eat!! great food,( try the palella).
5)pats riverside cafe for breakfast. hard to find but well worth it!
i could go on and on about stuff to do around here. guess i got so used to living and working here, that i really never thought about it as a vacation destination, it%26#39;s just where i live. for vacation i go to poughkeepsie and tour the steel mills (just kidding). any specific questions feel free to let me know. dave
Aw Thanks, that helps a lot! I%26#39;ve been to Daytona once and I loved it there!
I am the mom of a 17 year old and a Florida native. Stay at the Aku Tiki Best Western or in South Daytona Beach area. It is safer and quieter. Some of the hotels near the board walk could be kind of dangerous for someone your age. Especially during BCR.
The surf may be cold. Driving on the beach and people watching are great! If you don%26#39;t have a car you can rent a 4 wheeler and cruise the beach.
If you go on a cruise it can be frustrating, because you may book a cruise that charges extra for you to go to a beach. It is kinda frustrating to have all that water around you and a salt water pool the size of a hot tub to get in (ew).
Fly into Orlando, go to Disney, rent a car, stay @ North Daytona Beach and drive AIA on the Atlantic side till your money or your time runs out! It is unforgetable.
The gulf is nice, and preferred, especially the panhandle, but can be a little chilly for beach going in the spring.
Hope this helps, Florida is the greatest!
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